Member Spotlight – November 2020

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Meet our newest Member in Spotlight (and one of the newest additions to the ETC family!), Ebonii!

With a warm, vibrant personality and the smile and the attitude to match, Ebonii is a pleasure to have in class and is always bouncing in ready to go.

How did you hear about ETC? What made you decide to make the jump with us?

I heard about ETC through another member, Isaac! He’s been an inspiration to me starting up at the gym, he offered me amazing information on how to start up Muay Thai and ETC came up consistently – it was a sign!

You have been a member with us for a little under a month now and we have seen you trying all our classes! What is your favourite class and why?

I am trying all the classes and enjoying them! It’s been great to be involved in a bit of everything but being involved in Muay Thai is my favourite. Every time I walk in, I feel that team effort and spirit from everyone every single day. Even as a 1v1 sport. It’s my favourite because it pushes me to be better and more involved every day, and not underestimate myself or others.

Every time we see you walk into the gym you always have a huge smile and you’re often rocking out. What are you listening to on those headphones that makes you so happy?

I love where I am, and it shows on my face (it’s not the music I’m always smiling at)! I’m a fan of all music that makes me move… from Amy Winehouse to Joyner Lucas. I’ve been pumping my “pre-training” song – Headstrong by Trapt.

Do you have any specific fitness goals in mind?

It’s not so much a fitness goal, more a personal one. I do plan on being able to correctly kick or punch a punching bag and move it enough to hit a wall behind it! Give it 6 months.

What advice would you give someone who is a little hesitant or nervous to start?

You’re never too little or too late to start. No one comes made, so get your mind and body into it and make yourself go! Sometimes, you even surprise yourself.