
MetaFit Geelong – A-Frame Workout

Hi Guys, The new A-Frame workout will be on show this week at Geelong’s home of MetaFit, Main Event Fitness! This will run at our usual time of Tuesday & Thursday at 7am. As always casual sessions are available at just $10! Don’t know what MetaFit is? Check out our Metafit page for more info.

A-Frame is a 18:07 min workout with 4 rounds of  exercises.

Here is a look at what you guys will be doing!

This consists of 4 rounds:

Round 1:
Long Jump

Round 2:
Tuck Jump
Hot Hands
Squat Thrusts

Round 3:
Exploding Jack
Wood Chop
Side To Side Dash

Round 1/2/3 – 20 seconds on. 10 seconds rest. 3 times through
(20 seconds rest at the end of each round)

Round 4
Long Jump
Tuck Jump
Hot Hands
Squat Thrusts
Exploding Jack
Wood Chop
Side to Side Dash

There are a couple of new ones here and some older exercises that that have not been in for a while!